Friday, June 11, 2010

Split Run Test Results That Could Add Thousands To Your Bank Account

Daegan Smith’s Split Run Test Results Reveal The Shocking Truth That Could Be Costing You Thousands

Daegan Smith

Daegan Smith Split Run Test

Daegan Smith’s Split run testing results will blow you away.

As an avid internet marketer I am always looking for ways to maximise the return on my advertising efforts and one of the best ways to do this is split run testing. In simple terms a split run test is a comparison of the effectiveness of multiple variations of an advertisement, capture page or sales letter. In a split test, the audience of a marketing message is divided between two or more variations and the results tabled to see which variation has the highest conversion rate.

While I do run my own split tests, with so many different variables to consider including color, text, wording, graphics and video just to name a few, it can become a very time consuming process. To shortcut this task and save time what I do is research  the published results of industry experts and action thier findings.

In recent times my favourite source of quality research data has become Mike Dillard’s “Whats Working Now” and the latest split run test results published in this exclusive industry journal indicate that if your not doing things right it could be costing you thousands of dollars in lost leads and income and here’s why.

Recently lead generation expert Daegan Smith conducted lead capture page split testing to determine which was more effective, a text  lead capture page or a video lead capture page. While Daegan is an undisputed master of text capture pages he admits to having very limited experience with video capture pages and was therefore keen to find out if there was any noticable difference between the two.

Here’s the results. Video didn’t just win the race, the video capture page smashed the text capture page converting at 26.2% while the text page converted at  18.1%.  Thats an extra 8 opt ins per 100 views which adds up to a significant gain particularly if  your driving hundreds of people to your opt in forms on a daily basis. Simply put converting to a video capture page could catapault your business into the stratesphere overnight.

Obviously spurred on by this unbelievable difference Daegan then went on to examine the video capture page phenomena in more detail with the results of his second split run test clarifying for me a question which Im sure many of you have considered. Which is better forced  autoplay of the video with no control buttons or a user controlled video with buttons. While in my mind I have always leaned towards the forced autoplay I was absolutely blown away by the result, as I am sure Daegan was too.

Here’s the result. The forced video autoplay lead capture page literally smashed the user controlled video lead capture page out of the ball park beating it by  a whopping 44.8%. Can you believe it, who ever thought a simple variation like forced autoplay could nett a 44% lead difference.

Thanks Daegan Smith for sharing some awesome research results and helping us all achieve more. I know what I’ll be doing tonight, how about the rest of you.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

MLM Australia How To Conquer Tee Internet From The Farm

MLM Australia And Isolated Communities – How To Conquer The World And Take Your MLM Business Global Without Leaving The Farm

Outback Australia MLM

Outback Australia MLM

When I was a kid growing up in Australia I was always interested in MLM. My interest was sparked when I was about 14 and I can still remember the first time I was introduced to the concept of network marketing.

I was staying at a mates place and his mum was an Amway distributor,  she was  doing a home presentation and I was absolutely spellbound by the lure of the MLM dream. My eyes lit up at the prospect of building an empire, retiring young and living the good life but over the next few years my faith it network marketing rapidly diminished.

I watched my mates mum struggle for years trying to build her home based business and even though she gave a good presentation the problem she always struggled, but I could never work ojut why. The products were good, competitively priced and stuff that everybody needed.

It wasn’t until I was about 17 that I started to understand that the problem wasn’t the business it was the lack of fresh leads. You see we  lived in a country town with a population of about 26 000 people. It was the biggest population centre within a 1500km radius. The nearest town was over 200km away and it only had a population of about 1500 people. The  tyranny of distance and isolation made it almost impossible to generate the type of lead flow that was required to build a strong business and with this realisation I thought MLM Australia it just does not work.

I carried that mentality for the next 20 years and every time someone mentioned network marketing I would always say MLM Australia it doesn’t work, the country is too big and we dont have enough people.

While once upon a time for people living in isolated small population centres this statement was true, in todays world it’s a completely different story. Physical isolation and small communities are no longer a barrier to MLM success and there are plenty of great stories to validate this .For example one of the biggest distributors of ACN telecommunications services in australia is a guy who lives in one of the smallest and most isolated towns in the central desert region of our wide brown land. His whole town has a population of 7 people and is over 1000 km from the nearest population centre which itself only has a population of about 130 people.

So how did a guy who lives in the middle of nowhere build one of the biggest ACN businesses in the country? The answer in one word, the INTERNET. The internet has changed everything. The days of holding home meetings, calling friends and family are over. MLM is now a global business opportunity and all you need to get started is a few hundred dollars and an  internet connection.

Even better the days of toiling in your business for years and getting nowhere like my mates mum are over. There are literally millions of people searching online every day for ways to make money from home and if someone shows you how to tap into that traffic stream your earning potential is both unlimited and unimaginable.

While it is difficult to believe, a friend of mine Davids Wood recently went from being broke and living in a caravan to earning over $27 000 US in one day and to top it off the guy had never done network marketing online before and he did this in just over 4 months. Another guy I know jonathan Budd went from moving back home to live with his parents at age 23 because he was broke yet by the time he was 24 he was worth over $1 000 000.

The moral of the story is there is plenty of money to be made marketing MLM opportunties online. In todays world with access via the internet to such a huge population, great global businesses, professional online training, support and marketing resources  you can easily build a massive and highly successful business from outback Australia without ever leaving the farm. Sound Exciting!

MLM Australia ? The answer – YES.

Discover How You Can Make Money In Network Marketing Just Using The Internet

Fill In The Form Now


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How To Post Your Twitter Posts To Facebook On Autopilot

Social Network Syndication How To Post Your Twitter Tweets To Facebook


Twitter Tweet

Twitter Tweet

I recently posted a blog about a method I use to syndicate my content across the web to generate traffic and get leads and was
overwhelmed by the positive support it recieved from the network marketing community. Within two hours of posting the article was retweeted 31 times and I literally received a flood of traffic to my site which not only put a smile on my face but also vindicated my belief that what I have to offer on this blog adds value to the network marketing community.

In the article I outlined step by step how I maximise the potential of each piece of content through using article marketing, video marketing and the social networks synergistically to create a BUZZ.  While for the seasoned network marketer most of the concepts in the post are nothing new, I have had a number of people email me asking for more detail on how I action the strategy.

While its impossible to cover it all in the space of one post I am more than happy to share my strategy and to give you a taste of the type of things I do, I have put together this quick tutorial on how to automatically share your twitter tweets on facebook. This is a simple content syndication strategy that will not only save you heaps of time its something you can set up in under 5 minutes.

If you have not read the post yet just click on the link  MLM Network Marketing Lead Generation Made Easy

If your new to MLM network marketing or are struggling to get leads I promise you it will not only change the way you think about marketing online, if you follow the steps it will bring you the results you’ve been looking for FAST.

If you would like to know more I invite you to fill in the form on the top right hand corner of this page and get instant access to my free training where I walk you through the whole thing step by step. Enjoy the video. you can watch it here


PS. If you like my stuff don’t forget to retweet.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Capture Page Tips That Will get You More Leads

Capture Page Tips That Will Get You More Leads – Daegan Smith and Jonathon Budd Share Their Capture Page Secrets

Daegan Smith, Jonathon Budd, Ryan Diess and Perry Belcher  have been  pulling back the curtains on some of their “top secret” capture page split tests and im going to show you exactly what’s working.

Capture pages are one of the most important business development and list building tools in your business, yet they are often one of the most overlooked when in comes to trying to build your business. It’s all well and goood to spend your time promoting your business through the social networks, and the vast array of other marketing channels available online but if your capture pages are designed poorly your simply not going to convert.

With this is mind I recently spent some time researching exactly what some of the best list building experts do to increase conversion rates on their capture pages and managed to get my hands on some exclusive information that is going to blow you away.

Presented below is a summary of the best bits of capture page resarch and split testing conducted by some of the biggest names in network marketing including Daegan Smith, Jonathon Budd, Ryan Diess and Perry Belcher. These guys have been  pulling back the curtains on some of their “top secret” split tests  and im going to show you exactly what’s working. This is powerful information drawn from comprehensive testing, so don’t question it just implement it and watch your capture page conversion rates soar.

So what makes a good capture page ?

Lets start with colour. According to Daegan Smith when it comes to colour you can’t beat a grey background and a white page. In Daegan’s split test, a dark gray background on his lead capture page increased the amount of leads he was getting by 12.4%! Wow.

When it comes to headlines there is no disputing the fact that red is best. All experts agreed on this with Johnathon Budd adding that placing exclaimation makes around your heading adds more power to the title which helps in achieving higher conversiion rates. But it gets better, with Ryan Deiss and Perry Belcher adding this extra gem.

Ryan and Perry wanted to know if changing headlines on testimonials would make any difference at all. They were blown away when they discovered that placing a red headline on all of their testimonials increased their conversions by a whopping 34%. If your brain hasn’t exploded yet, then it soon will because the results just keep getting better.

Maximum Leverage - Deagan Smith

Degan Smith's Highest Converting Capture Page

While on the subject of headlines what works best, a free offer or an opportunity to make money. If you trust Daegan Smith’s research his results showed that a money headline converts better than a free gift and the conversion rates wern’t even close. The Free offer had a  5.96% conversion while the make money headline converted at nearly double the rate scoring a conversion rate of 9.24%.The advice on headlines from jonathon Budd was to maximise the concept of “The Benifit” in the headline text and always use arrows to direct peoples eyes to your opt in form.

So what about content. What should I include on my capture page? Which works best videos, photos or text? read on as the results of these pertinant questions are revealed below.

When it comes to content Jonathon Budd and Daegan Smith agree that keeping it simple is the key. The trick with your capture page is to create curiosity at what lies beyond the opt in form. Using capture pages that give away too much information can drive your potential leads away. You need to understand that your prospect does’nt want to see that your part of a trillion dollar industry, or that product XYZ contains these vitamins or is clinically tested they want to see the benifit to them.  This adds some weight to Daegan Smith’s earlier finding in which the make money headline converted the highest.

But what about video capture pages v’s text capture pages. According to Jonathan Budd he’s tested everything and says videos work best. He also added that capture page layout should include a red title followed by a video to the left and a capture page to the right with an arrow from the video pointing to the opt in form. In contrast Daegan Smith’s highest lead conversions come from a simple text headline capture page.

So there you have it, the insider secrets to capture pages that convert revealed. While the jury is hung on the question of video v’s text the common agreement by lead generation experts is colour, benifits, curiosity and overall simplicity are the key to converting more leads.

Click this link to learn another simple strategy to get more leads

Hold the presses. I’ve just received some new capture page split testing results from Daegan Smith, the jury has reached a verdict and what Im going to share with you is literally going to blow you away. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Video Marketing Tips For Network Marketers

Quick Video Marketing Tips For Internet Marketers And Bloggers


Lately I've been studying the tactics of some of the internets best MLM video marketers. I was looking for what gives them the edge. Why do their videos command so many more views.

I thought If I could just uncover their video marketing secrets I would be on a winner and what I learned is going to help you explode your name all over the internet.  Here's the first instalment.

Entertainment based video clips, especially entertaining or funny clips have the greatest chance of going viral. Sure we all know that, but the question network marketers seem to have trouble answering is how do you market MLM in an entertaning or humerous fashion?

Here's one simple strategy as a teaser to get your traffic juices flowing. This is a really clever and powerful strategy that could easily drive hundreds of visitors to your website today and you dont even have to make a funny or entertaining video .In fact you can do this and have it posted in a few minutes.

Every day new humerous and entertaining content gets posted on Youtube and some of it, almost instantaneously, gets sent viral. Your job it to feed off that trending clip and here's how you do it. Create a video comment about the clip. Always keep the comment positive and close your comment by creating a sense of curiosity. Here's an example of a video marketing comment strategy that I learned from  video marketing expert,Dwayne Golden.  It was a comment video posted on an NBA Slam dunk video and the video was created by .

Here's what Dwayne did. He sat in front of his computer and searched for the latest hot slam dunks from the previous nights NBA play offs. Once he had found the one he believed was going to be the most watched, he quickly made a webcam video comment about the slam dunk. He praised the NBA player for his skill and then went on to say something like "player x has got an awesome dunk but you should see mine". Thats it.

Dwayne got over 500 visitors to his landing page and 10 new leads in one day as a result of that 30 second effort. Here's why. People who watch funny and entertaining videos are instantly drawn to video responses as often these are quite humerous and entertaining, even if the person making the video response had no intention of being funny themselves. More importantly the person watching funny and entertaining videos is already in a clicking mindset and thats your opportunity to get trraffic and capture fresh leads.

By creating an air of curiosity in your video response like Dwayne Golden did with his invitation to take a look at his slam dunk, many people will feel compelled to take a look.  Sure a lot of them are going to land on your capture page and click straight off, but as Dwayne's results show you will capture a few.

Not bad for a few minutes work.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Elur Marketing System

Elur Marketing System To Generate More Leads And Put More Cash In Your Pocket


If You havn’t already heard of Elur trust me when I say that you will be hearing a lot more about this exciting new player in the health and wellness industry. Elur is creating breakthroughs in all areas of it business including  executive management, nutritional technology, and their first of a kind linear compensation plan.

Currently in pre-launch Elur has put together a truely dynamic and highly experienced executive management team. Recently appointed president and CEO Clint McKinlay is a master of MLM launch strategy and has been credited with launching one of the fastest growing MLM’s in history. They company did over 40 million dollars of sales in their first 12 months. His two right hand men Elias Coca and Mark Petersen add a wealth of marketing and communications talent to the team bringing with them over 20 years of experience in MLM and a proven track record of MLM success.

Elur will initially launch with four core products to address nutrition, balance and longevity. All products are ormulated by their professional medical research team and have been scientifically proven to provide real health and anti aging benifits.Add to this a fresh downline compensation plan model that is geared to assist all distributors achieve success and stay engaged with the company and from an early evaluation it looks as if Elur has set an organisational platform geared for success.

With that said, success in Elur or any other MLM opportunity is more dependant on the individual rather than the organisation. To achieve real financial success in Elur your going to need to focus your efforts on building a huge downline and training your team to duplicate your success strategies.

Building your Elur downline is about generating a constant supply of fresh network marketing leads and to do this effectively your going to need a marketing system outside of your Elur business which brands you as a leader and attracts highly qualified prospects. Understand that you don’t just want anyone in your Elur team,

you want highly qualified people who are going to have the ability to build massive teams themselves. But how do you find these people ?

The answer in many cases is they find you, but to allow them to find you, you must have a marketing system seperate from your Elur corporate website that brands you as an MLM leader. Leadership is paramount to success. Successful MLM leaders attract successful people into their business through positioning themselves as a person that can show prospects the real pathway to success, not just sell the dream.

Second you need a marketing system that allows you to capture people interested in or currently involved with all MLM’s not just your company. Just imagine how quickly you could build your business if you could attract team leaders from other MLM companies. You see successful MLM leaders are always looking to diversify their interests. Presenting as a leader and being able to target these people often results in them bringing over

their whole team resulting in massive growth for your business.

You also need a marketing systyem that will build greater distributor retention in your business. You therefore need a system that can give your team instant and continuous access to training and support on autopilot. Providing your team with automated marketing training allows you to leverage your time to focus on lead generation. You will be building relationship with your team through your automated training. This is powerful.

Lastly you need a training system that allows you to  monetise the 97% of leads that are going to say no to your Elur business opportunity. To do this your marketing system and training needs to include affiliate offers on products and services that are going to add value bto your team members businesses. This is called a funded proposal and its the way every top MLM leader and earner in every MLM company I know finances the marketing required to grow a big business.

As I said earlier there’s a lot of money to be made in Elur and if you position yourself right and put the right marketing systems in place that person could be you but you need to act fast and be ahead of the competition you are going to face from others hungry to be the big earner in Elur.

My advice click on the link and go and get the marketing system that I personally use and that the top marketers in over 200 MLM companies use.

Get Your Marketing System Now

Saturday, June 14, 2008

JV Dealmasters Making History with Web 3.0!...Are You In Yet?

New Web 3.0 + Viral Marketing = MASSIVE INCOME ...only for those who are paying attention.

This is the most INCREDIBLE opportunity the online marketing community has yet to see!

We are not just at the LEADING EDGE of the Biggest Trend to ever hit the internet... But we are at the forefront of the MOST ADVANCED and cutting edge WEB 3.0 Technologies that are just beginning to unfold. Since the birth of SOCIAL NETWORKING the internet has not seen something so powerful.

While many are still just trying to catch up to Web 2.0... We are already paving the way to the New Web 3.0, that the first time in history...bring together the power of Web 3.0 Social Networking and VIRAL MARKETING to generate for our members INSANE AMOUNTS of cash... like no other social network has done before!!

What other Social Network pays you up to $1,000 for every member you refer? And what other Social Network pays you BIG referral commissions 10-LEVELS DEEP?... And Gives away FREE Social Networking LAPTOPS to help you VIRALLY promote your business without having to close your own sales??

No other Social Network has this kind of MASSIVE Viral Recruiting and Cash-Generating Power
In this New Web 3.0 Social Network Marketing Arena... WE HAVE NO COMPETION.
So do not just sit on the sidelines and watch... We are making history!

Together we will pave YOUR way to wealth with Web 3.0. But You Must Act Now.........


Chris Hopkins

JVDealmasters making history web 3.0 social networking viral marketing