Saturday, June 14, 2008

JV Dealmasters Making History with Web 3.0!...Are You In Yet?

New Web 3.0 + Viral Marketing = MASSIVE INCOME ...only for those who are paying attention.

This is the most INCREDIBLE opportunity the online marketing community has yet to see!

We are not just at the LEADING EDGE of the Biggest Trend to ever hit the internet... But we are at the forefront of the MOST ADVANCED and cutting edge WEB 3.0 Technologies that are just beginning to unfold. Since the birth of SOCIAL NETWORKING the internet has not seen something so powerful.

While many are still just trying to catch up to Web 2.0... We are already paving the way to the New Web 3.0, that the first time in history...bring together the power of Web 3.0 Social Networking and VIRAL MARKETING to generate for our members INSANE AMOUNTS of cash... like no other social network has done before!!

What other Social Network pays you up to $1,000 for every member you refer? And what other Social Network pays you BIG referral commissions 10-LEVELS DEEP?... And Gives away FREE Social Networking LAPTOPS to help you VIRALLY promote your business without having to close your own sales??

No other Social Network has this kind of MASSIVE Viral Recruiting and Cash-Generating Power
In this New Web 3.0 Social Network Marketing Arena... WE HAVE NO COMPETION.
So do not just sit on the sidelines and watch... We are making history!

Together we will pave YOUR way to wealth with Web 3.0. But You Must Act Now.........


Chris Hopkins

JVDealmasters making history web 3.0 social networking viral marketing

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Net Guru Chris Hopkins eyes JVDealmasters in USA TODAY Newspaper

As a successful online marketer I have learned that it pays to do your homework and keep ahead of the game. In recent times we have been bombarded by a myriad of copy cat programs and ideas that promise the world but deliver peanuts in terms of their return on investment, but today things are about to change and I could not be more excited about this opportunity.

The most advanced cash-generating Social Network Pre-Launch has just gone live and for my money, its set to rock the internet marketing world.

Announced and advertised in USA Today newspaper yesterday JV Dealmasters launched its next generation social networking site and if you know anything about online networking you will agree with me that this is the bomb.

So whats all the fuss about, rather than babble on about it here's the
list of website features.

Website Features:
Private Audio, Video and text IM
Self-Moderated Forums and Viral Bulletin Boards
Monthly contests, JV giveaways and Real JV offers
Collaborative Whiteboard
Send JV proposals to other members
Instant Desktop Alert Software
Advanced JV matchmaking system
Mega-Viral Friend Inviter Tool

Seriously this site is Networking on Steroids! No Monthly Fees to pay. No Matrix to fill. Commissions Ten (10) levels deep! The features continue:

100+ Viral Bookmarking Sites
JV Resource Training Center
JV Deals Alert Board
IM Underground training tools
And much, much more!

This place will rock the IM world and the great thing is If you want to be a leader in this next generation Web 3.0 community,you can. Now is the time,but you need to act fast as leader positions will only be available during the prelaunch.

Im already on board with this one and capitalising on the leader benifits and bonuses the team at JV Dealmaster offer.

This is seriously going to rock the internet marketing world and I cannot wait to start exploding my business marketing with JV Dealmasters.

Can you afford not to join ?

Get the jump on the most advanced cash generating social network ever created

JV Dealmasters

Chris Hopkins

Thanks for reading please accept this is a token of my appreciation.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Harness The Power Of EDC Diamond Marketing and Explode Your Online Business

If your looking to start any online business or already have one and are looking for ways to market online look no further than EDC Diamond.

I originally joined EDC to access some professional training and advice from a group of people who know what they are talking about when it comes to internet marketing. I run a record label and we were looking for quality, accessible, marketing training on demand to assit us with our web marketing strategy. With my online experience being a mixed bag of disappointments and so much missinformation being packaged and delivered across the web I was a bit sceptical about finding a program that could deliver but after a bit of research through the forums I decided to put my hand in my pocket.

EDC looked one of the best so I took the plung and what a good decision it was. I learned more about setting up to achieve success online with these guys in one hour than I learned through purchasing countless traffic driving e books and opportunities currently flooding the net. More importantly through harnessing the power of EDC Diamond marketing I have learned what it takes to achieve marketing success on line and am now implementing EDC's proven marketing formula with great success in my music business.

Heres what I learned.

EDC is not a get rich scheme and there is no such thing on the net. EDC is about setting up to market properly online regardless of your product. It is a proven, duplicatable intenet marketing formula with 7 day a week live training. When you join EDC you are basically starting your own software and marketing franchise, but with the help and support of a team of experienced campaigners with significant points on the board and dollars in their pockets to prove it.

So what exactly is EDC and how does it work ?

EDC presents two main opportunities, an extensive product catalog with 100% resale rights and the EDC opportunity. The catalog is fantastic. I am already utilising a number of the products to boost my online productivity and efficiency with both my music business and my EDC franchise. I have no hesitation in recommending them to other people because they work for me saving me time and effort while driving my sales higher and higher.

In terms of investment I purchased the EDC Diamond Franchise and it was money well spent. The software package alone is worth the price of admission but add the quality live training, 24 hour accessable recorded training archieves and online support and this opportunity is priceless.

For me the start up cost of EDC pails into insignificance when balanced against the rewards my record label is already receiving as a result of their training wisdom. For me it was always about the training. Through utilising the combined knowledge and experience of a group of professional online marketers my label has been blessed with the wisdom to succeed in a highly competitive marketplace. EDC can help you build a customer base bigger than you ever imagined.

If your worried about the price of admission into such a quality business opportunity there is no need for alarm. EDC presents you with a range of franchise options including the easily affordable entry point into a multi billion dollar industry.

This is a serious business opportunity with unlimited potential for growth. So if your serious about not just making money online, but also learning to become a professional internet marketer I invite you to click on the link below and be my guest in the engine room of EDC the Back Office.

Click Here

Its FREE to join and take a look around. I can even meet you there and give you a guided tour.

You have no idea what your missing until you look. EDC has opened my eyes in more ways than one.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Open Your Eyes and Get Rich Online With EDC's Home Based Business Opportunity

Have you ever imagined it could be possible to earn a fortune online.
You could seriously be earning $10 000 to $20 000 a month, within months not years and Im not joking. The online market place is expanding daily and is set to go boom over the next few years and you could be part of the sales bonanza.

While regional and national economies are set for a rocky road ahead, there is one thing for sure, the global online community will continue to boom and so will their demand for user friendly products. EDC Diamond offers you an opportunity to be your own sales boss in this thriving environment. Trust me, they are training people like you and I how to get filthy rich every day and for those that listen and action the training the rewards are far exceeding their wildest dreams.

EDC Diamond are at the forefront of consumer and user friendly online product development and marketing and therefore present an excellent opportunity for anyone seeking to develop a sales business is this explosive environment. EDC don't just throw you out there, they provide the best training and support online. They are in touch with their consumer market on a daily basis and help you establish a never ending supply of fersh hot leads, ensuring that your business grows. If you like you can even speak to the company owners and guess what they want you to get rich and get great pleasure out
of showing you how.
Dont be fooled into believing that all the money has been made or you have missed the boat because statistics show that even in technologically advanced nations including the UK, US, Japan and Australia internet usage continues to soar.In fact in Australia we have only recently beeen upgraded to bradband 2 and while there are still several population centres that can not access these services, intenet usage in Australia grows daily.

If you think the opportunity to make millions online does not exist, or you believe its all hype and you've missed the boat, consider this.

The newly emerging, english speaking, economic superpower India has a population over three times that of the US. In fact their population recently topped 1000 million people and guess what ? They are technology hungry. Internet usage growth in India is locked on light speed and they cant find the off switch,

India's thirst for knowledge and modernisation is fuelling the demand for internet services and people who use the services want useful products to build, promote and advance their little peice of cyberspace. Are you starting to have your eyes opened ?

The internet is creating new, never before imagined opportunities to amass unbelievable personal wealth. Its like a modern day California Gold rush on line and if your prepared to get serious the returns on your investment have the potential to be huge.

Open your eyes and get rich online. Check out EDC Diamond

The Internet is calling.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

EDC Gold is the Top Rated Internet Company

When I evaluate a company, I look for these key points. Keep in mind, when I join a company, my #1 goal is to make money and to do it legitimately. I do not want to hurt anyone or rip anyone off. This is what I’ve learned and these guidelines will help you determine what company is right for you.

1. If you are not making at least 75% of the upfront commission when you make a sale, forget it. This means that you are doing all the work and the company and/or the person above you is making all the money.

2. If you have to have 1000, 10,000 or 20,000 people in your organization before you make any real money. DO NOT Join. Most people will NEVER get there.

3. If they teach you to hold home parties and invite all your friends. Run away fast.

4. If they have a sales pitch 2-3 times a day and only 2-3 training classes per week.

This means that the company is more interested in selling you than training you how to make money long term

5. If you can’t break even or get into profit with 3 sales, forget it.

6. If you can’t speak with the owners or the corporate office via phone or webinar,

Forget it. I like to know who I am doing business with before I will do business with them.

7. If it is a start up or in pre launch, forget. The chances of these companies becoming the next Amway is about as good as winning the lottery. At least with the lottery, you have a chance to win once or twice a week. You might as well go to Vegas and blow your money on a good time. At least you’ll have some great memories, see a great show and have a great meal.

These are not all the rules for success on the internet, but this is a great guideline to follow when evaluating an internet company. Use these guidelines to help you narrow down your choices for choosing a company that best fits yours goals.

After months and months of research, there is one company that stands out as the #1 Home Based Business on the Internet. The Top Rated Internet Company for Making Money is EDC Gold. EDC Gold gets a Gold Star for several reasons. It is the only company that gives you a real chance to make big money on internet. They pay out 100% commission. The owners work the business with you to ensure your success. The training at EDC Gold is worth the price of admission alone. The Marketing System at EDC Gold is the best. They have a marketing system that flat out works.

To Learn more about EDC Gold and how it can help you be successful on the internet…..

Click Here

New Technology Makes EDC Gold the Best Choice

There is new technology combined with an innovative new software program that actually works to bring you thousands of dollars per month. The company that created this is called EDC Gold.

I'm not promising millions and bagillions of dollars to you. I'm saying, this is new, it is state of the art technology and it works. Finally, it works!

No Hype or BULL....and all you have to do is follow the exact same marketing methods we outline in our members area. THIS IS REAL, and people are literally making ton's of c*ash while they sleep, while they're driving down the road, and while they're on vacation. In fact, it's difficult for me to tell you that I even earn this money, when I hardly do anything to earn it! EDC Gold is the real deal and EDC Gold will change your life for the better.

You see, I don't do any of the work myself, I let the owners do it for me. They will for you too and they'll make this kind of money for you too! I have people, autoresponders,

websites, marketing campaigns and a host of automated tools doing all the work for me. Sound like a dream come true? Believe me! It is!

Finally, someone cared enough to dedicate them selves to helping others succeed. It stemmed from years of experience, many triumphs and failures, hundreds of man hours and thousands of dollars in development costs to make this happen.

Dont take my word for it, check it out.Click Here

EDC Products are Gold

EDC Gold know how to market on the internet and teaching that skill to their members is their number one objective. EDC Gold uses Pay Per Click advertising because it is one of the most powerful advertising methods on the internet today. Master this marketing method and become rich beyond your wildest dreams.

EDC Gold teaches one thing about Pay Per Click advertising that is critical to your success on the internet and that is to have high quality ad so that you can receive more clicks, which equals more money.

One of EDC Gold’s internet marketing experts is the owner of the company and personally does 5 hours of training per week. Meaning, anyone who wants to learn how to market effectively can spend quality time with him at EDC Gold’s high tech training facility that you can access from any computer around the world.

In addition, EDC Gold’s owners are Available M-Th 9-6 PM pst. See the website for more details on contacting them directly.

Save yourself tons of money and many hours of trial and error by attending EDC Gold’s training webinars and dramatically increase your cash flow. EDC Gold is the best company on the internet because they teach how to become an expert internet market. This is a skill that can make you rich for the rest of your life. EDC Gold is the best, so forget about the rest and join the top rated internet company……….Click Here

The Truth

EDC Gold is the top rated internet company on the internet for several reasons. EDC Gold is the only three tiered program under $1000.00. EDC Gold was the creators of the 100% payout compensation plan. EDC Gold is the only company where the owners are involved with your success. EDC Gold has the best training on the internet. EDC Gold continues to create and develop things that work for their members to make the members a lot of money. EDC Gold continues to add more and more product to the members area. EDC Gold creates their own products. EDC Gold is the only company that has live support, 5 days a week with real people that you can talk to and will help you with any questions that you have. EDC Gold has a marketing site that converts sales for you better than anything else out there on the internet. EDC Gold continues to change things for the better because they know that the internet changes all the time, so does a high tech internet company. All of these things and many more make EDC Gold the Top rated Home Based Business on the internet. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!

Check it out for yourself....Click Here

EDC Gold’s No. 1 distributor raked in … wait for it … $150,000! Last month,

EDC Gold works and is changing people’s lives. “Nothing works like EDC Gold.”

EDC Gold bundles more than $125,000 worth of marketing software, videos and e-books – and has many upgraded features, like unrivaled capture pages, auto-responders and sales counters that are all included in the EDC Gold members area. EDC has an awesome marketing system that converts four times more efficient than rival products. The

innovative technology floods their pre-existing websites and their new EDC Gold sites with quality sales prospects. When those people experience the EDC Gold System, their reaction is over whelming. They are so excited because they haven’t seen anything like this before. When they call the owners and they actually answer the phones, they are blown away at the high quality program called EDC Gold.

One of the reasons EDC Gold is so great is because they know how to drive quality prospects to a quality website and they teach it to their members several times per day

But the No. 1 reason EDC Gold has taken the internet marketing world by storm is…. You keep all of the commission. Don’t be fooled by imitators, EDC Gold is the real thing and the creators of the #1 program on the internet. EDC Gold continues to grow, week after week, month after month. To learn more about EDC Gold and why it is rated #1, ………..

Click Here