Thursday, May 22, 2008

Net Guru Chris Hopkins eyes JVDealmasters in USA TODAY Newspaper

As a successful online marketer I have learned that it pays to do your homework and keep ahead of the game. In recent times we have been bombarded by a myriad of copy cat programs and ideas that promise the world but deliver peanuts in terms of their return on investment, but today things are about to change and I could not be more excited about this opportunity.

The most advanced cash-generating Social Network Pre-Launch has just gone live and for my money, its set to rock the internet marketing world.

Announced and advertised in USA Today newspaper yesterday JV Dealmasters launched its next generation social networking site and if you know anything about online networking you will agree with me that this is the bomb.

So whats all the fuss about, rather than babble on about it here's the
list of website features.

Website Features:
Private Audio, Video and text IM
Self-Moderated Forums and Viral Bulletin Boards
Monthly contests, JV giveaways and Real JV offers
Collaborative Whiteboard
Send JV proposals to other members
Instant Desktop Alert Software
Advanced JV matchmaking system
Mega-Viral Friend Inviter Tool

Seriously this site is Networking on Steroids! No Monthly Fees to pay. No Matrix to fill. Commissions Ten (10) levels deep! The features continue:

100+ Viral Bookmarking Sites
JV Resource Training Center
JV Deals Alert Board
IM Underground training tools
And much, much more!

This place will rock the IM world and the great thing is If you want to be a leader in this next generation Web 3.0 community,you can. Now is the time,but you need to act fast as leader positions will only be available during the prelaunch.

Im already on board with this one and capitalising on the leader benifits and bonuses the team at JV Dealmaster offer.

This is seriously going to rock the internet marketing world and I cannot wait to start exploding my business marketing with JV Dealmasters.

Can you afford not to join ?

Get the jump on the most advanced cash generating social network ever created

JV Dealmasters

Chris Hopkins

Thanks for reading please accept this is a token of my appreciation.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Harness The Power Of EDC Diamond Marketing and Explode Your Online Business

If your looking to start any online business or already have one and are looking for ways to market online look no further than EDC Diamond.

I originally joined EDC to access some professional training and advice from a group of people who know what they are talking about when it comes to internet marketing. I run a record label and we were looking for quality, accessible, marketing training on demand to assit us with our web marketing strategy. With my online experience being a mixed bag of disappointments and so much missinformation being packaged and delivered across the web I was a bit sceptical about finding a program that could deliver but after a bit of research through the forums I decided to put my hand in my pocket.

EDC looked one of the best so I took the plung and what a good decision it was. I learned more about setting up to achieve success online with these guys in one hour than I learned through purchasing countless traffic driving e books and opportunities currently flooding the net. More importantly through harnessing the power of EDC Diamond marketing I have learned what it takes to achieve marketing success on line and am now implementing EDC's proven marketing formula with great success in my music business.

Heres what I learned.

EDC is not a get rich scheme and there is no such thing on the net. EDC is about setting up to market properly online regardless of your product. It is a proven, duplicatable intenet marketing formula with 7 day a week live training. When you join EDC you are basically starting your own software and marketing franchise, but with the help and support of a team of experienced campaigners with significant points on the board and dollars in their pockets to prove it.

So what exactly is EDC and how does it work ?

EDC presents two main opportunities, an extensive product catalog with 100% resale rights and the EDC opportunity. The catalog is fantastic. I am already utilising a number of the products to boost my online productivity and efficiency with both my music business and my EDC franchise. I have no hesitation in recommending them to other people because they work for me saving me time and effort while driving my sales higher and higher.

In terms of investment I purchased the EDC Diamond Franchise and it was money well spent. The software package alone is worth the price of admission but add the quality live training, 24 hour accessable recorded training archieves and online support and this opportunity is priceless.

For me the start up cost of EDC pails into insignificance when balanced against the rewards my record label is already receiving as a result of their training wisdom. For me it was always about the training. Through utilising the combined knowledge and experience of a group of professional online marketers my label has been blessed with the wisdom to succeed in a highly competitive marketplace. EDC can help you build a customer base bigger than you ever imagined.

If your worried about the price of admission into such a quality business opportunity there is no need for alarm. EDC presents you with a range of franchise options including the easily affordable entry point into a multi billion dollar industry.

This is a serious business opportunity with unlimited potential for growth. So if your serious about not just making money online, but also learning to become a professional internet marketer I invite you to click on the link below and be my guest in the engine room of EDC the Back Office.

Click Here

Its FREE to join and take a look around. I can even meet you there and give you a guided tour.

You have no idea what your missing until you look. EDC has opened my eyes in more ways than one.